This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
GRASS GIS 18% 463,820 3,151,210 19,600,511 422,155 0 2,935 10
GTT Project 87% 186 524 3,220 178 7 0 0
GeoServer 69% 21,734 118,063 774,738 21,608 6,683 0 0
OSGeoLive 60% 35,008 413,834 2,739,332 34,910 4,836 12 0
QGIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
pgRouting 50% 16,149 121,631 880,572 15,920 94 16,209 0
pgRouting workshop 86% 432 4,586 32,458 362 26 0 0
postgis 42% 47,258 856,905 6,118,809 43,370 5,237 4,710 162
postgis-workshop 50% 5,365 103,799 690,175 5,332 219 96 1
sandbox 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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