One of the layer names listed in the WMS Capabilities document is ``dlgstln2`` - streams for Itasca county. We will add this as a new tileset to the MapCache service. First we add a ``<source>`` block - this is the configuration to retrieve data from the WMS server. Add the following XML block after the existing ``<source name="lake_source" type="wms">...</source>`` block used for the lakes to ``mapcache-quickstart.xml``:
One of the layer names listed in the WMS Capabilities document is ``dlgstln2`` - streams for Itasca county. We will add this as a new tileset to the MapCache service. First we add a ``<source>`` block - this is the configuration to retrieve data from the WMS server. Add the following XML block after the existing ``<source name="lake_source" type="wms">...</source>`` block used for the lakes to ``mapcache-quickstart.xml``: