WMSAdminPage.BOT_CENTER = Bottom center
WMSAdminPage.BOT_LEFT = Bottom left
WMSAdminPage.BOT_RIGHT = Bottom right
WMSAdminPage.Bicubic = Bicubic
WMSAdminPage.Bilinear = Bilinear
WMSAdminPage.MID_CENTER = Middle center
WMSAdminPage.MID_LEFT = Middle left
WMSAdminPage.MID_RIGHT = Middle right
WMSAdminPage.Nearest = Nearest neighbor
WMSAdminPage.TOP_CENTER = Top center
WMSAdminPage.TOP_LEFT = Top left
WMSAdminPage.TOP_RIGHT = Top right
WMSAdminPage.AllowedURLsForAuthForwarding = Allowed Style URLs for Authorization headers forwarding
WMSAdminPage.bboxForEachCRS = Output bounding box for every supported CRS
WMSAdminPage.bboxForEachCRSHelp.title=Bounding Box per CRS
WMSAdminPage.bboxForEachCRSHelp.message=The bounding box per CRS flag is only respected if a Limited SRS list has been specified.Setting this flag causes the WMS capabilities document to contain a Bounding Box for each supported CRS, for each Layer. Doing this for every CRS in the EPSG database, for each Layer in the catalog, would result in a impractically huge capabilities document.
WMSAdminPage.defaultInterpolation = Default Interpolation
WMSAdminPage.description = Manage map publishing
WMSAdminPage.disposalMethod = Disposal Method
WMSAdminPage.enableAntialiasing = Enable Antialiasing
WMSAdminPage.enableWatermark = Enable watermark
WMSAdminPage.jpegCompression = Compression level (0-100, default 25)
WMSAdminPage.jpegOptions = JPEG Options
WMSAdminPage.limitedSRSList = Limited SRS list
WMSAdminPage.maxRenderingErrors = Max rendering errors (count)
WMSAdminPage.maxRenderingTime = Max rendering time (s)
WMSAdminPage.maxRequestMemory = Max rendering memory (KB)
WMSAdminPage.mapBufferSettings = Map Buffer Settings
WMSAdminPage.maxBuffer = Max buffer size (pixels)
WMSAdminPage.maxRequestedDimensionValues = Max number of dimension values
WMSAdminPage.pngCompression = Compression level (0-100, default 25)
WMSAdminPage.pngOptions = PNG Options
WMSAdminPage.rasterRenderingOptions = Raster Rendering Options
WMSAdminPage.resourceLimits = Resource consumption limits
WMSAdminPage.svg.Batik = Batik
WMSAdminPage.svg.Simple = Simple
WMSAdminPage.svgOptions = SVG Options
WMSAdminPage.svgProducer = SVG Producer