

WFSLayerConfig.featureSettings=Feature Settings WFSLayerConfig.overridingServiceSRS=Override WFS wide SRS list WFSLayerConfig.skipNumberMatched=Skip the counting of the numberMatched attribute WFSLayerConfig.skipNumberMatchedTitle=NumberMatched skip WFSLayerConfig.skipNumberMatched.message=To enhance the performance of large queries, it is possible to skip the counting of the numberMatched attribute in a GetFeature WFS request. Although enabling this can minimize the query time, it can also break pagination for client applications, since numberMatched will always evaluate to 'unknown'. WFSLayerConfig.otherSRS.message=A comma separated list of EPSG codes, e.g. 4326,3857,3003. The corresponding codes will be added to each FeatureType declaration in the GetCapabilities response. The list can be left empty to have no extra SRS declared for this specific type, in override to a list of values specified in the WFS service configuration. WFSLayerConfig.coordinatesEncodingTitle=Coordinates Encoding WFSLayerConfig.coordinatesEncodingHelp.message= This settings control how geometries coordinates will be encoded in WFS outputs. Checking "Encode coordinates measures" setting will cause coordinates measures ("M") to be encoded in WFS output formats that support measures. The default (not checked) is to not encode coordinates measures. WFSLayerConfig.encodeMeasures=Encode coordinates measures WFSLayerConfig.complexToSimple = Activate complex to simple features conversion
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WFSLayerConfig.featureSettings=Feature Settings WFSLayerConfig.overridingServiceSRS=Override WFS wide SRS list WFSLayerConfig.skipNumberMatched=Skip the counting of the numberMatched attribute WFSLayerConfig.skipNumberMatchedTitle=NumberMatched skip WFSLayerConfig.skipNumberMatched.message=To enhance the performance of large queries, it is possible to skip the counting of the numberMatched attribute in a GetFeature WFS request. Although enabling this can minimize the query time, it can also break pagination for client applications, since numberMatched will always evaluate to 'unknown'. WFSLayerConfig.otherSRS.message=A comma separated list of EPSG codes, e.g. 4326,3857,3003. The corresponding codes will be added to each FeatureType declaration in the GetCapabilities response. The list can be left empty to have no extra SRS declared for this specific type, in override to a list of values specified in the WFS service configuration. WFSLayerConfig.coordinatesEncodingTitle=Coordinates Encoding WFSLayerConfig.coordinatesEncodingHelp.message= This settings control how geometries coordinates will be encoded in WFS outputs. Checking "Encode coordinates measures" setting will cause coordinates measures ("M") to be encoded in WFS output formats that support measures. The default (not checked) is to not encode coordinates measures. WFSLayerConfig.encodeMeasures=Encode coordinates measures WFSLayerConfig.complexToSimple = Activate complex to simple features conversion
String age
a year ago
Last updated
a year ago
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a year ago