CachedLayersPage.truncate = Empty
CachedLayersPage.selectOne = Select One
CachedLayersPage.previewDisabled = Preview not available
CachedLayersPage.confirmRemoval = Confirm removal of cached layers
CachedLayersPage.confirmSelectionRemoval = You are about to remove <b>{0}</b> cached layers. All tiles will be deleted, freeing a total of <b>{1}</b> from disk.
CachedLayersPage.confirmTruncateTitle = Fully truncate the layer's tile cache
CachedLayersPage.confirmTruncateMessage = You are about to remove all cached tiles for layer <b>{0}</b>? This operation will free a total of {1} from disk.
CachedLayersPage.clearGwcLink = Empty All
CachedLayersPage.confirmGwcTruncateTitle = Clean GWC Cache
CachedLayersPage.confirmGWCClean = You are about to clear GWC cache, Do you want to continue?
CachedLayersPage.errorGWCClean = An Error while clearing GWC cache
CachedLayersPage.errorGWCClean2 = There was a problem, check logs
CachedLayersPage.warnGWCClean = GWC Cache already empty
CachedLayersPage.confirmGWCCleanInfo = GWC Cache has been cleared