ImportSummaryPage.DEFAULTED_SRS=Forced in the default SRS
ImportSummaryPage.DUPLICATE=A layer with this name is already configured
ImportSummaryPage.NO_SRS_MATCH=Could not guess an official EPSG code
ImportSummaryPage.MISSING_NATIVE_CRS=No native SRS information
ImportSummaryPage.MISSING_BBOX=Could not compute bounding box
ImportSummaryPage.OTHER=Generic failure
ImportSummaryPage.confirmRollback=You are about to remove all layers, stores, and workspaces created during the import process. Do you wish to proceed?
ImportSummaryPage.rollback=(Undo import.)
ImportSummaryPage.previewDescription=When you are finished verifying your layers, click the "Layer Preview" button to continue with styling and map composition